The main thing
standing in the way
of the life you want
is unhealed trauma...
and healing is the answer.

I’m so glad you’re here!
I see you, my friend. And I want you to know you’re safe here.
My purpose for this page is to support you. To show you how you make sense. And to show you there is a way to change your current circumstances. Science says so, and I do, too.
That includes your reactions, responses, feelings, stuckness, and patterns. They aren’t happening because anything is wrong with you. They are happening because everything is right with you and science shows us that.
Our work is to show these parts (not simply tell them) you are safe to get unstuck.
And when that happens, you’ll begin to thrive. You’ll step into the life you’re meant to be living.
Come with me through this page so I can show you how all of this is true for you!

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